Wine Tourism: our winery was featured in vinjournalen.se
Wine Tourism: our winery was featured in vinjournalen.se
We have a new priority! #WineTourism
This year we have decided to be adventurous.
2020 will be the beginning of a partnership with the project Winetourism.com. We are excited to have been designated to join a selected group of wineries from all over the world in order to promote our enotourism and introduce our products. More than a simple posting, we will have our proper article in the famous Swedish wine magazine Vinjournalen.se titled Besök de bästa vingårdarna i Veneto – Vi har hittat dom bästa!. This magazine advises its readers on their purchases, visits and informs them about current events.

Wine tasting and winery tour of Cà Rovere
After the listing our winery, Cà Rovere, the company also created a page to introduce what visitors can experience during the tour of our winery. You can find any information you want about us on this experience page.
Wine tasting and winery tour of Cà Rovere.
Moreover, you can now book some activities in winetourism.com!
Are you interested in wine tasting? Or the history of our region and our land? Or even our winemaking know-how?
So, come to visit our web portal and get to know us. You will love the way we work, and it will be a pleasure to welcome you to our beautiful place of production of our favorite drink, wine.
Take part in our adventure with us, we are waiting for you!

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